Social Media Guidelines

Last updated May 17, 2021.


Social Media Posts must not express partisan opinions, promote political views, endorse brands or individuals, make offensive comments, or make posts that would be damaging towards Odd Plant.


Please treat everyone with respect on social media. If a reader disagrees with or criticizes your work on a post, please be respectful if you would like to respond.


If you as the author of a post feel threatened or unsafe by someone on social media, please inform your supervisor immediately.


If you made an error, acknowledge it and fix it in a timely manner.


We want writers, artists, and journalists at Odd Plant to utilize the social media platforms as a space to experiment with different styles, writing, and methods of storytelling.


Provide credit to all contributors of the post. Do not repost content without the consent of the original author.

Advertising, Marketing, and Promotions

Affiliate marketing ads on social media platforms such as Youtube, Pinterest, Facebook, etc. exist as sovereign entities and are not a direct reflection of Odd Plant's mission, goals, and services.


Odd Plant would love to hear your feedback, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.